Mardiandra Groups


Mardiandra Energi Kreasi is a private company that work in a field of creative industry. With our motto "Energy of Creativity" we will always produce creative work that are innovative by using all available resources in our hand.


Beside we also welcome for advertising services order on handle by “Mardiandra Adv”, we have our own business such as Intellectual Property “Meow Me” have been registered on HKI, “150CM” brand fashion & merchandise industry for our Intellectual Property, and food & beverages industry to colaboration our merchandise industry and entertain Meowpi Cafe, Remaking Water Pipe as Lamp Desk Decoration "Lampu Pipe", Homemade recipes for Cheesecake "C.Ute", 24 hour rent for baby equipment "TheBabyloka"  &  Cattery registration on TICA for Scottish - British Shorthair Cat "MardiandraCattery"


Our Group

Mardiandra ADV is part of Mardiandra Energi Kreasi, focus to handle Advertising and Promotions Services. Our services are make television commercial in form of a graphic video, visual graphic, 2D animation, and 3D animation.





Client & Partner


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